Article: About Donald Trump, gay marriage, and gender fluidity…

I had a busy June with graduations, work, and weddings ( just “traditional” ones until yesterday), and finally got a chance to meet with some friends to talk and unwind. Between drinks, I was asked my opinions about a few things…

Donald Trump for President?

Personally, I consider the Trump a wannabe celebrity. In my book, he is the male equivalent to Paris Hilton – an entitled bitch lucky to have millionaire parents. Now that he made his candidacy for President of the USA a formal one (with all the racism and ego trips only the Donald can), I have a single reaction:


When a candidate for the position of Most Powerful Man in The Fucking Free World (a.k.a POTUS) goes on a rant and call Mexican immigrants delinquents, drug traffickers  and rapists, that motherfucker is calling ME and ALL OTHER HISPANICS the same thing. Not content with calling ALL of us rapists, he also declared war against Univision – the largest Hispanic TV Network in the USA. I don’t like Univision, I don’t watch it, but his attitude against the talent hired by Univision for his stupid pageants pissed me off .. and bitch, we love a challenge!

Now, I know this clown WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT, but meanwhile, I plan to boycott every single business, company, and entity associated with hi stupid name or his stupider mugshot with that dead cat over his dome. Nothing related with Trump will see a penny from me until the fucker retires his candidacy AND he apologizes.

Gay Marriage?

June 26, 2015 will always be remembered by the LGBT community as historic. Personally, I’m happy for some friends, neighbors and coworkers that finally can establish a totally legal household with all the rights and benefits of a married couple. Besides that, it doesn’t affect me at all…

So, congrats to all in the LGBT community – and party hard this weekend!

Gender Fluidity?

This is where things went south in the conversation. For me, gender fluidity is a load of bullshit. Call me retrograde, non politically correct, or an asshole, but I believe genders are binary – you are either male or female. As a society, Americans are “embracing diversity” and “respect” gender neutrality. And that’s great for Americans… too bad for gender fluids, I’m not American.

I do respect, but my brain is binary… 

For me, if you look like a woman, speak like a woman, and act like a woman, then you are a woman regardless if you have a 15 inches sausage between your legs. If you look like a man, act like a man, and speak like a man, I will treat you like another one of the guys even if you have a pair of DD’s on your chest and a vagina deeper than the Marianas Trench. For me gender is binary (male / female), although the roles assigned to both genders are changing all the time. Notice I did not include clothing as an identifier because I know that cross dressing sometimes has nothing to do with gender identity – I use women deodorant and “girls” socks in occasions for example.

If you are like Bruce Jenner or like Chastity Bono and feel you had been trapped in the wrong body, get some help to manage it and if possible, get re-assignment surgery and become the next Caitlyn or Chaz. Personally, I don’t have any conflict with having a penis (small, but still a real functioning penis) between my legs and considering it part of my identity as a man.

Now, I do not fill the role of a “traditional man”. I have never been interested in cars, and always envied the girls’ toys because they allowed you to do more things with them, required more imagination, and were cooler (my neighbor’s doll could pee and cry  while I had to make the “pew-pew” sounds of  my Star Wars figures). As an adult, I don’t talk about my real-life sexual experiences, feel uncomfortable in titty bars, and  I don’t make a show when a woman with a nice body pass in front of me. I don’t behave like the stereotypical Latino man, but I am a man and I am happy being the type of man I am. In my head there is no space for feeling like a man at a given time, then feeling like a woman the next. It simply does not compute…

I am as liberal as I can be, but my brain is programmed in binary code…

Welcome to MY matrix!