Article: Names, Triggers, and Elections

Hello, My Name Is…

I am going to lose followers for this, but fuck it…

I have watched this video for weeks – and I can’t stop laughing!!!

By this time, you should know Mr. Hugh Mungus. When an aggressive activist went to interview this guy, demanding to know his name, he expertly provided a trolling answer – and the activist did not roll with the punchline…

To my “feminist” followers, a few things before you react and spew criticism:

  1. The activist was foaming at the mouth BEFORE approaching this man. She was already angry with him because he testified in favor of a police project she dislikes.
  2. She made an aggressive approach, DEMANDING his name before starting any interview. The guy realized that and decided to troll her with a fake name.
  3. Alternate spellings of Hugh Mungus are real names.Mongoose and  Mongouse are real last names, so I can imagine parents with a weird sense of humor calling their son Hugh. After all, I already know Jehova de los Santos (Jehova of the Saints), Jesus Cristo (Jesus Christ), and many, many Maria De Los Angeles (Mary of the Angels). I won’t be surprised of one  Hugh Mungous to be real. In fact there is a British wrestler with that name.
  4. Hugh behaved like a gentleman, no scrap that, he behaved like a fucking SAINT. He made the joke, she flipped, he kept his composure and ignored her when she went full retard. (You NEVER go full retard!)

Honestly, when you react to a stupid joke like she did, you deserve to become a meme. Even if the guy had grabbed his dick while saying his “name”, IT IS NOT HARASSMENT. By definition, harassment requires repeated behavior. He said his name once – then she began to repeat like a fucking parrot. IMO, the only harasser there was Ms. Joshi. BTW, her name, Zarna, sounds like scabies in Spanish (sarna). Really irritating…

And it would have been fucking hilarious he had taken out his state ID and shown her something like this…

Fake ID for a fake name

Vote for El Casque…

Honestly, I am tired of the US presidential campaign. Trump is an asshole and Hillary is a lying… person. The candidate that is third in the polls, Giant Meteor, cannot participate because it is not a natural US citizen – hey, it was born in outer space -, so I had to throw my mask into the mix to give a better alternative…


My platform will center on racial justice and is based on Bulworth’s Racial Deconstruction Initiative…

And my campaign chant is this one:

I should get Mr. Mongouse as my Vice President…