This is a very personal post, so feel free to not read it… I have not posted in a long time, but there are lots of things going non – and none is good…
Category: article
My Way #20: Being Away, But Working Stuff Out. Also, Body Counts Matter!
I have been away dealing with personal issues, but I am ready to celebrate 13 years of being a professional masturbator. Also, body counts matters – for both sexes!
My Way #19: Cancellations, Bud Light Boycott, and the Trans Agenda
Lots of things happening in the personal cancellation arena…
My Way #13: Goonin’ November Week 1
Last week of October, I published a plan to goon my way through November – Goonin’ November I call it. For the first week of the month, I would masturbate in sessions of two hours with breaks. I would use my hands to masturbate, ejaculating on purpose no more than twice during the week and […]
My Way #10: Masturbation Month, Johnny Depp, and Supreme Leaks
May is synonym with spring, flowers, and good weather BUT it is also our Masturbation Month! Also, some opinions on Depp v Heard and the SCOTUS “leak”!
Some Questions About MGTOW…
Last weekend I was talking with the son of a good friend. This young man is 20 years old and he asked my take on relationships (he knows I am a long-term bachelor) and I mentioned my status of MGTOW – which promptly brought a long discussion about MGTOW, the perceptions in society about it, […]
The Doll Life #17: The Best Artificial Girlfriend
Having the harem of sex dolls I have brings up a common question: “Which one is the best one?” Well, the answer is always the same: It depends. Why it depends? It does because the “best” doll is the one that best matches what you are planning to do with it and your personality. Of […]
2021 in Review / 2022 Goals
Hello my friends! 2021 is on the rear view mirror and yes, it sucked – and not in the good way! Like most people, I was indirectly affected by COVID due to travel restrictions, conventions cancellations, being broke, and of course, the vax mandates. Not only COVID was fucking my life, but I also had […]
November’s Triple Challenge: NNN vs NSN v Movember
November is known online as the month for male challenges. We have No-Nut-November, Movember, and No Shave November. Which one I do?
Broken, Beat, and Scarred
Why did I stopped updating the blog in September 2020? Well, I was broken, beaten and scarred by 2020… in more ways than one!