Contact Information
So you want to contact me directly? There are a few ways you can do it to ask about toys, recommend something, or sending me naked photos of your wife (no dick pics please – I only like to look at MY dick):
Twitter: @CasqueteroNYC
Facebook: CasqueteroNYC
I’ll try to answer as soon as possible – remember, I have other shit to do besides looking at porn…
Want me to review your product / show?
If you want me to review one of your products – or an event -, just contact me by e-mail or a DM on social media. I will respond to business inquiries within 24 hours.
Have the following in mind:
- I review MALE sex toys. I sometimes review toys made for couples, but I don’t accept sex toys designed for women. Nothing sexist – they simply do not work the same way on guys.
- The toy must be new and packaged as it comes packaged for retail.
- The toy must be provided free of charge. (In the case of a sex doll, I am open to negotiate discounted prices.)
- My reviews are unbiased and honest. If I love the toy, I will say that. If I hate the toy, I will say that. If you try to influence the review – yep, I will say that!
- I will post a review of the toy within SIX WEEKS of receiving the toy. If I cannot complete the review within this time, I will let you know the reasons for the delay and provide a date.
- My reviews are open to the opinion of my readers / viewers.
- Due to the nature of the toy, I will keep the toy for personal use and enjoyment.
- In exchange for the product, the Seller / Maker / Distributor will receive at least two (2) links on the review to their website or product webpage. I reserve the right to post a link to any of my affiliates carrying the same toy or product.
Also, I am available to provide content for your blog / website and for booth / exposition appearances. If interested in having me writing for your website or participating on an expo to promote your product, contact me HERE.