My Way #21: I Know, I Know…

This post is a combination of rant, eulogy, and venting piece, so feel free to not read it. I know I have not updated this blog in months, but there have been a lot going on in my life, and all of the things happening have sucked all the energy from my body, mind and soul…

I lost my role model

The worst of the things happening in my life was losing my father earlier this year.

He had a host of chronic conditions, but none was terminal. Unfortunately, after receiving the “safe and effective” jab in December 2020, his health took a nose dive. It started with being unable to control his bowels just three days after getting the jab, to start having Alzheimer’s Disease symptoms by 2022, and then developing extreme edema in his legs that did not respond to any treatment in 2023 to a degree he developed respiratory issues and loss of mobility. At the end, he was hospitalized in February of this year and died in early March…

As you can imagine, this chain of events has played a number on my mental and physical health. Stress during the last two years have affected my conditions, but his passing and all the aftermath destroyed me until just a few weeks ago. Between the funeral arrangements, the bureaucracy, inheriting a failing business, and dealing with my parents’ economic state my mind has been in turmoil. And this does not include the fact that now I also need to deal withy not one, but two moves – mine from New York to Puerto Rico but also helping my mother to pack everything because we cannot provide adequate maintenance to my parents’ home (they were already arranging to downgrade when my father died). And all has to be completed ASAP…

Still, I am trying to bounce back. Depression already subsided and the stress levels are finally getting to manageable levels. Unfortunately, some damage has been done…

My conditions are getting worse…

My conditions are not terminal, but they are progressive – and I have not been taking good care of them. As many of you know, I suffer from back problems – but these problems are compounded with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, sciatica, and general nerve damage. I am in chronic pain 24/7 and the medications I take basically make me a walking zombie. Those meds have many side effects, including the lack of erections (kind of needed to review male sex toys, you know…), so that had already messed up my review and posting schedule. When I was finally finding a workaround with new supplements, then my dad’s health issues kicked in.

Because of my family situation, I have spent most of the time since Thanksgiving of last year traveling between New York and Puerto Rico. In fact, since Thanksgiving, I have only spent one month in my apartment. I have not seen any doctor since December of 2023 and I am taking partial medication since March. The constant stress and lack of medical treatment have made all my conditions to flare to levels I have not felt since I was diagnosed eight years ago…

Right now I am in the process of checking with my doctors what course of action can I take since I will be spending five of the next six months in Puerto Rico where I cannot even see a doctor – my health insurance does not work at the Island. The next few months will be very interesting…

So…now what?

I am not going to even try talking about my plans for the rest of the year – there are way too many issues going on to even think about a posting schedule. I learned you guys like to check the website on specific days (Sundays, Mondays, and Thursdays) and that you love my sex doll reviews, but designing a review schedule is impossible right now. Still, I plan to keep the website. How, I do not know…

Meanwhile, stay connected with yours truly via X (@casqueteronyc), and will try to make Instagram work for me (@casqueny).

We will see how these plans pan out…