Back in New Year’s Eve, I was like most of you full of hope and plans for the new year 2020. That hope lasted for 6 days, since on January 7 I was awaken by an earthquake that was felt in all of Puerto Rico. The plans went down the drain a couple of days later when I hurt my back so badly I needed emergency treatment. That were not good omens for a 2020 that was just starting…

Little I would know that later, shit was going to hit the fan. Fast forward to April and you find me writing this post being “sheltered-in-place” in my apartment for the last 20 days. Living in New York City, I cannot go anywhere except the supermarket and the pharmacy, basically isolated and with thousands of people quitting their air addiction thanks to a mutant flu from China called CoVid 19.

That said, CoViD19 is our new reality and we have to adapt to it. At least, unlike other emergencies, this time I am able to enjoy some entertainment in the form of porn, toys, and of course, my huge collection of dolls, so I have created a couple of “Weekly Challenges” to pass the time…
Weekly Challenge #1: Cumming without moving
You have read many of my reviews for male vibrators, so you know they are kind of hit and miss for me. For this challenge, I pick any 3 male vibrators in my collection, my remote control, my PornHub subscription, and two of my plush dolls.
The idea is simple: Using the male masturbators to cum without moving my hips during the session – no matter how long it takes. Just turning the vibrators and waiting would be extremely boring, so I developed this little game to play.
In the game, I start using a random toy in the lowest setting, place a plush doll on each one of my sides and pick a PornHub category. I watch 3 short videos (less than 5 minutes each) before changing the toy’s settings. Then I pick another category and watch 3 more videos before changing the category, repeating the process. If the toy gets hot (a clear sign it has reached its use limit on the session), I change to another random toy. The game ends when I cum – not earlier. No movement is allowed by my hips and I can only open and close my legs.
The dolls? They are there for me to grab an ass or breast as needed…

Weekly Challenge #2: Getting to the edge of the world
For this challenge, I use three sleeves with different degrees of intensity (low, medium, and high) from my collection, a doll, and a marathon-length porn DVD (you know, those 4-hours long DVDs). The idea is simple – edge as much as possible.
To do that, I play the DVD and do some foreplay with the doll. Once hard, I use the high intensity sleeve and stroke slowly while the doll is resting on my chest, as if she is the one stroking. I keep stroking until I feel the cum building up and stop for the duration of the following scene, doing foreplay with the doll as needed to stay hard. When the next scene starts, I stroke slowly again, this time with the low intensity sleeve, keeping at it until I feel cumming again. I stop like before and resume with the mid level intensity sleeve. The idea is to hold a total of three times – no matter how long it takes!

Weekly Challenge #3: The Marathon
This challenge was inspired by a sex fantasy story I read online years ago. In this fantasy, two girls kidnapped a guy and “torture” him edging him and then giving him two hours of rest before resuming another edging session. In the fantasy, the girls kept doing that for a weekend before the guy cums like a mad man.
I could not even imagine doing this in real life, but the CoViD19 situation that forces me to be at home for at least 4 days in a row and no expected visitors gives me a window to create a version of this fantasy.
In my version, I have two dolls playing the role of the “abducting” girls. I just take a random toy from the collection and use it until edging – then I stop playing for two hours and do whatever I have to do. After 2 hours, I play again until edging and repeat the whole process until sleep time.
I can play with the dolls however I want. Oral, anal, breast fucking, everything is game. I alternate dolls, I rub my little friend between their ass cheeks, on their faces – anything goes, given I stop before cumming. The goal is to keep the debauchery cycle of edging / 2 hours rest for no less than 4 days. Once I achieve my goal, I just go full beast mode until shooting the mother freaking load!

Weekly Challenge #4: The Slow Burner
This is the simplest challenge – I just fuck a doll as slow as I can. Short or long thrusts, I just go slow, building the orgasm without urgency. When I feel cumming I keep the same speed, basically torturing myself until I explode. The combination of dolls and sleeves in my collection makes this challenge an infinite source of pleasure. To make it more interesting, I use two dolls and a prostate massager – I fuck one doll while the other on my back is “stimulating” my prostate. Keeping a slow pace on that scenario is almost impossible, but I try again and again and again…
Although these challenges are extremely fun, I really want this weird situation to end. Turning on the TV to just listen to talking heads blaming each other of being with their pants down during a pandemic is getting tired. I would prefer to enjoy my toys without the fear of getting infected by a fucking mutant flu virus!
Seriously speaking, keep your sanity, help the people around you and stay safe… I will try to do the same!