At the time I am writing this post, we have been in “PAUSE” (a.k.a. lockdown) for 70 days in New York City. I expected to have plenty of time to play with my toys and write reviews, but my time had been used to try to earn some money via remote means and my energy had been spent in making long lines to get groceries. Really I do not have the energy or the mood to play and even less to write reviews…

But duty calls, and since apparently the restrictions will be eased by next week (June 8th), I feel with some energy to plan some sort of workload. To start, I will be forcing myself to a posting schedule of Thursdays and Saturdays. One of the posts will be a review, the other could be a My Way or The Doll Life, whatever I feel in the mood.
“Don’t knock masturbation. It’s sex with someone I love.”
— Woody Allen, Annie Hall
Second, I organized my toys by “topic” and will be reviewing them like that at least until September. The schedule will be as follows:

June is recognized as PRIDE Month and although I am not part of the LGBTQIA+ population (and I regularly criticize them), I do respect them Because of that respect, I will dedicate June to review toys that are not the typical male toys. In the roster, I will be reviewing some wands, wands attachments, vibrators, prostate massagers, pegging harnesses, and other anal toys. Basically, I will be reviewing the toys that give me homo-suspicious points (thanks Terrence Popp!).

July in the United States mean summer, barbecues, infernal heat and humidity, and of course, celebrating Independence Day (July 4th). In honor of all things ‘Murica, I will be reviewing American-made toys and dolls. In the roster I have toys from Bad Dragon, California Exotics, Doc Johnson, Pipedream, and two USA doll manufacturers. I could even have a surprise…

August will be dedicated to review Japanese toys. Why, you would ask? Well, because I have a bunch of Japanese toys I have not used and I need to review them – that’s all! Included as bonus we will have a handful of Dekunoboo dolls I had been playing for a while without reviewing…

September is “Back-to-School” month here in New York, so I will be doing a bunch of reviews of dolls dressed as school girls / teachers /librarians, toys with the teen / MILF theme and anything related to education. I also have plans to attend NY Sexpo, where I usually learn something useful (not always, but at least I get lots of free goodies).
September is also a very special month because it marks the birthday of this blog. This year is extremely special because in September 2020 we will be CELEBRATING 10 YEARS! It is insane I started this blog in September 1, 2010 just as a place to share my experiences with sex toys. What are the plans for that occasion? I do not know, but some giveaways of merch and toys should be in order, don’t you think?

Well those all the topics I have until then. I do not know if I will continue the topics for the rest of the year (most likely I will do BDSM in December since Frolicon was postponed until December 10), but I will decide later. After all, this is just a hobby of mine…