November arrives and if you are anywhere close to social media, you start seeing the comments about No Nut November (NNN for short). If you are unfamiliar with it, it is simply a “challenge” on younger men to avoid ejaculating throughout the whole month of November. Memes about this challenge abound, but what the heck is NNN? Are there any rules? More important: WHY?
On the other hand, we also have No Shave November (NSN) and Movember. These are another challenges for men, but these require you to grow facial hair. They get a lot less attention than NNN, but their motive is to create awareness about men’s health. Although these are challenges with a serious and real goal, they get lots of negative attention online (specially from women…)
As a man educating younger men, I had been asked about both NNN and NSN and my opinions about both, so let me share them here, comparing the reasoning behind each challenge, their rules, and obviously, which one I practice.
The Origin of These Challenges
When these “challenges” started and why? Well, lets go in chronological order…
Movember started in 2003 as a way to bring attention to three major causes of death affecting men: Prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and suicides. The first two ONLY affect men (you know, MALE ADULT HUMANS), and the third one affects mostly men (75% of suicides are men). The idea was to grow a moustache (a traditional sign of masculinity) to start a conversation about these illnesses affecting and killing men, promoting to either donate money or volunteer in organizations dealing with them.
No Shave November started as a “brother” of Movember in 2009 as a Facebook based challenge that expanded on the moustache to include any type of facial hair, offering the savings in shaving products to organizations dealing with cancer. Unlike Movember, the organizations are not limited to testicular or prostate cancer, but includes all types of cancer including pediatric types.
No Nut November started around 2011 in social media as either a parody in response to Movember or as part of online anti-pornography forums discussions (the reason depends on who you ask). The whole idea is simply to avoid ejaculation during the whole month, concentrating on induced ejaculation though masturbation or sex.
The Rules
The Rules for Movember
Basically, you just need to grow and maintain a moustache during November. You start with a clean shaven face and then allow the upper lip hair to grow during the month. Unlike what some people believe, you are encouraged to maintain that upper lip dirt so you do not look unkempt.
What do you win? Nothing, but your porn moustache will become a conversation piece perfect to educate others about men issues.
The Rules for NSN
Like Movember, you start the month with a clean-shaved face and allow your facial hair to grow throughout the month. You can grow any type of facial hair, although a full beard is the standard (you know, no shave). Like Movember, you can groom that facial hair, so you do not have to look like a mountain man during the month. And yes, you can keep the beard afterwards!
What do you win? Nothing really, but organizations dealing with cancer benefit when you donate your savings to them…
The rules for NNN
The basic rule for NNN is simply not to induce ejaculation during the whole month. Basically, no masturbation or sex with ejaculation. Watching pornography, having boners, and edging (masturbating until getting close to ejaculation) is allowed. There is no 3 strikes rule – once you ejaculate during November, you lose the challenge.
What happens if you “win” the challenge? Well, you can brag in social media and then proceed to destroy your dick in December (DDD).
Regardless of the challenge – NNN, NSN, or Movember -, all require effort, patience, and a little bit of sacrifice. Both Movember and NSN focus on growing facial hair because their goal is to bring attention to MEN’S HEALTH issues that are mostly ignored by the media and the general culture. During October, we have all brands – even the NFL – adding pink motives to their logos and merchandise to create awareness about breast cancer, but even brands marketing to men barely bring attention to testicular or prostate cancer. Movember and NSN challenges use traditional signs of masculinity (moustaches and beards) to bring attention to these issues that only affect us while also adding the donations part.
NNN is mostly a satirical take on that masculinity aspect. Still, there is a large number of guys believing that holding their semen will give them more energy, will accumulate their life force, and other non-scientific stuff. The irony of NNN is that studies have proven that ejaculating at least two times a week reduces the chances of prostate cancer – you know, the same thing NSN and Movember are trying to bring to public discussion…
Personally, I think NNN is just satire, but younger guys grew up on the Internet and they think it is a real thing to do.
Which one should you try?
Well, participating in any of these is a personal choice. In my case, I participate in the No Shave November. It is both a personal challenge (my facial hair takes forever to grow) and something close to my heart since many male family members (both grandfathers, an uncle, and a close friend) either died of cancer (prostate, colon, and lung cancers) or are prostate cancer survivors. In addition, I have had prostate issues since puberty, so I am a candidate for prostate cancer.
That is why I will be adding any profit I make from the blog during November – affiliates, Casque Tees – to my personal donations from No Shave November. So go ahead and get a t-shirt, a face mask, or a toy for keeping your prostate in check – or to destroy your dick in December!
Now, excuse me while I exercise my prostate…