It is mid January, and if you are like me, you are partially broke after the Holidays. You just paid all those credit card bills and your bank account is just staring at you with this “Why? Why? WHY?” expression… Well, even broke guys get horny – and some of them enjoy using toys, but […]
Tag: good
RPP #193: A-10 Cyclone SA Vorze
As I mentioned in my review for the A-10 Cyclone Cup, I am not a big fan of motorized toys, but due to the intense pains I had been suffering since May, I had been relying on them for those days when I want to cum without moving too much. One of these motorized toys […]
Rubber Pussy Project #183: DokiDoki S&M 2
I am always looking for new toys to try, and I love to review toys that are basically unheard of in the USA. One of those cases was the Doki Doki line of toys from Topco / Ideal. This was a line of low priced masturbation sleeves with anime / hentai themed toys with relatively […]